Adobe CS5.5: Ugly font rendering in installer
Posted by Pierre Igot in: MacintoshJune 9th, 2011 • 6:02 pm
As I wrote a couple of days ago, I recently upgraded my copy of Adobe Creative Suite to version 5.5. This of course forced me to go through the painful process of using Adobe’s proprietary installer, which, as long-time readers of this blog will remember, I wrote a long post about three years ago that created a bit of a stir. (I ended up being contacted by an Adobe representative and given the opportunity to contribute to the testing of the CS5 installer, although the process was not particularly successful.)
I am afraid that, once again, I have to report that the Adobe CS installer still has an unacceptably low level of quality. Here’s a pretty striking example:
I just cannot understand how a software company that specializes in graphic design can find such atrocious font rendering acceptable in their product. There are probably numerous underlying causes, most of which have to do with Adobe’s refusal to endorse and adopt standard Mac OS X technologies, but the end result is just too ugly for words.
Why do we have to put up with this? What kind of message does this send about the underlying quality of the product and about how much Adobe cares about its Mac-using customers? (I don’t know what the font rendering looks like in Windows.)
This screen is pretty much one of the first interactions of the customer with the product. It just looks bad, and it just makes you wonder how much longer you are going to have to periodically fork out hundreds of dollars just for the privilege of using this crap.
June 21st, 2011 at Jun 21, 11 | 9:23 am
[…] fun with the Adobe CS5.5 installer… It of course still forces you, like its predecessors, to quit all your web browsers during the […]