Mac OS X 10.4: 23 days of uptime, and counting
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007 • 10:05 amNot breaking any records, but this is still a remarkably stable working environment.
Not breaking any records, but this is still a remarkably stable working environment.
Another handy click-through behaviour.
A useless area of the document that causes the user to lose his selection/focus.
A simple way to reproduce a pretty basic problem in Pages.
I have to stop pulling my hair, but I just cannot figure out this particular problem.
A much more crucial question is still up in the air.
No dialog box to let you know that you’ve been through all existing occurrences.
I didn’t touch it for weeks. And then, it bloomed.
One little-mentioned improvement that might matter more than all the snazzy stuff.
An example of how Apple’s non-standard scheme really gets in the way.
Where do all these extra space characters in my Pages documents come from?
An incremental upgrade that does not make me regret last month’s purchase.
The things that Word makes people do…
Mac customers get a Windows-only license key. Nice touch.