Articles posted in March, 2003

Discovering Led Zeppelin

Monday, March 31st, 2003 • 10:37 pm

Having been a teenager in the 1980s, I missed out on a number of musical acts that happened “before my time” and that I was too lazy or not intrigued enough to explore after the fact. Of course I started going back in time later on, but there is so much stuff to explore and […]

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The war in a nutshell

Monday, March 31st, 2003 • 6:44 pm

“A Warmonger Explains War To A Peacenik ” All too true, unfortunately.

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Van Gogh (1991)

Monday, March 31st, 2003 • 1:37 am

Attrapé le film de Pialat avec Jacques Dutronc sur ARTV hier soir… (Jamais vu d’autre film sur Van Gogh.) Je n’y connais quasiment rien en peinture, alors je ne peux pas juger le film sur ce plan. D’après mon expérience en matière de films sur des auteurs, cependant, il y a fort à parier que […]

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Problème de riche

Monday, March 31st, 2003 • 1:18 am

On ne peut pas vraiment se plaindre… Cette année, au Canada, grâce au numérique, on a pu voir la majorité des matches de notre équipe (Arsenal) en Premier League (sur Sportsnet et Fox Sports World Canada), plusieurs matches de FA Cup (en Pay-Per-View) et plusieurs matches de coupe d’Europe (sur TSN, sur RDS, sur RFO, […]

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LATEXT: ‘Perspective’

Sunday, March 30th, 2003 • 12:31 am

LATEXT has been updated with the addition of the following text: “Perspective” (with picture)

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Brent Simmons interview

Saturday, March 29th, 2003 • 8:14 pm

Terrific interview of Brent Simmons, developer of NetNewsWire and other Mac OS X applications, by John Gruber: “Interview: Brent Simmons” by John Gruber, Daring Fireball You don’t need to be a software developer yourself. It’s an excellent read for anyone interested in blogging, RSS, Mac OS X, user interface, etc. Check it out! (It’s long, […]

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Collateral Murder

Saturday, March 29th, 2003 • 7:32 pm

“It was an outrage, an obscenity” by Robert Fisk, The Independent … when one of Malek Hammoud’s friends asked me how the Americans could so blithely kill those they claimed to want to liberate, he didn’t want to learn about the science of avionics or weapons delivery systems. No comment.

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The hawks’ plan

Saturday, March 29th, 2003 • 7:32 pm

Disturbing, in-depth article on what the future may hold: “Practice to Deceive” by Joshua Micah Marshall, The Washington Monthly … the hawks’ record so far does not inspire confidence. Prior to the invasion, for instance, they predicted that if the United States simply announced its intention to act against Saddam regardless of how the United […]

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The US and international law

Saturday, March 29th, 2003 • 6:06 pm

The current US administration attracting more worldwide ridicule: “Our Kind of Law” by Michael Kinsley, The Washington Post As the only superpower, the United States needs international law less than other nations. We can protect our interests with brute force if we want to, or if we believe that nothing else really matters in the […]

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iCal not ready for prime-time

Saturday, March 29th, 2003 • 12:10 am

Sad but true — some of the basic functionality of iCal is flawed, as confirmed by this MacFixIt report: “Troubleshooting iCal: Reminders forgotten if not active” Since my computer is too noisy to be left on during the night, I put it INTO “deep sleep” before I go to bed — and if a reminder […]

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Delusions of Power

Saturday, March 29th, 2003 • 12:00 am

Required reading again by Paul Krugman: “Delusions of Power” by Paul Krugman, The New York Times They considered themselves tough-minded realists, and regarded doubters as fuzzy-minded whiners. They silenced those who questioned their premises, even though the skeptics included many of the government’s own analysts. They were supremely confident — and yet with shocking speed […]

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REM: The Last Straw

Friday, March 28th, 2003 • 12:18 am

Several prominent artists releasing tracks in reaction to the current war in Iraq. Beastie Boys, Me’Shell, John Mellencamp, Lenny Kravitz, Zack de la Rocha… Now REM, with “The Last Straw“. First, I note that, unlike all others, the REM track is only available as a stream, not as a download. Their label is Warner Bros. […]

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Mac OS X: Columns view still needs work

Thursday, March 27th, 2003 • 7:32 pm

I was reminded of the fact that the Columns view in Mac OS X’s Finder still needs work this morning when trying to organize a number of files INTO folders and subfolders. I general like the Columns view and use it as my default view for Finder windows. But there are still some major annoyances […]

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Another blog entry on the war

Wednesday, March 26th, 2003 • 10:54 pm

Another good recent blog entry on the war, this time by Meg Hourihan at “On the war” (March 18, 2003) Last night President Bush once again invoked the Al Queda/Iraq connection, for which we have seen no evidence. So either a) the evidence exists but the US refuses to share it even with the […]

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Latest speech by Senator Byrd

Wednesday, March 26th, 2003 • 10:35 pm

This is already a week old, but still worth mentioning: “The Arrogance of Power” by Senator Robert C. Byrd, March 19, 2003 What is happening to this country?  When did we become a nation which ignores and berates our friends?  When did we decide to risk undermining international ORDER BY adopting a radical and doctrinaire […]

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