Archive for the 'Writing' Category

Word 5.1 Nostalgia: I don’t get it

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011 • 10:05 am

There are multiple examples of Microsoft Word 5.1 nostalgia on the web. For various reasons, many Mac users have come to believe that Microsoft Word 5.1 was the last great word processor for the Mac, that it was a near-perfect product and that it’s been all downhill from there. The latest example comes from Forkbombr […]

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New TERMIUM interface supports LaunchBar search templates

Tuesday, August 21st, 2007 • 2:34 pm

New interface drops single-window, frame-based approach and improves accessibility for all users, not just disabled users.

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Idea for word processors/text editors: Really smart drag-and-drop (for whole words)

Friday, September 23rd, 2005 • 2:42 pm

A small, yet significant improvement that could be implemented in text drag-and-drop.

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Idea for word processors: automatic character style for capitalizing titles

Friday, September 2nd, 2005 • 11:36 am

A very simple improvement for software writing tools, and musings about why such improvements are not happening right now.

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LATEXT: « Les corps sages » et « Rumeur »

Friday, July 23rd, 2004 • 4:48 am

Deux nouveaux textes (en français) ont été ajoutés au site LATEXT : « Les corps sages » « Rumeur » (avec illustrations).

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Sick in a strange way

Tuesday, March 30th, 2004 • 11:23 pm

Not really a “mental” case — at least not according to most reasonably well-informed people (including the several mental health professionals who have all been unsuccessful in their attempts to treat me as one) — but not really a “physical” case either. We are, quite obviously, in that “grey area” in between, where things seem […]

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LATEXT: « À force de mourir », « Les êtres faux » et « Retour de force »

Sunday, December 7th, 2003 • 6:44 am

Trois nouveaux textes (en français) ont été ajoutés au site LATEXT : « À force de mourir » « Les êtres faux » « Retour de force »

More » persiste et signe

Tuesday, October 7th, 2003 • 11:27 pm

Je reçois depuis un certain temps déjà par courrier électronique les messages d’actualité littéraire du site Je me suis déjà plaint à plusieurs reprises auprès des responsables du site des mauvais choix concernant le format de ces messages électroniques. J’ai réussi, à un moment, à les convaincre de faire un effort pour éviter autant […]

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LATEXT: « Dans tous mes rêves » et « NSR »

Tuesday, July 29th, 2003 • 5:58 pm

Mise à jour du site LATEXT

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Better writing tools

Monday, July 14th, 2003 • 6:18 pm

Our current text editors and word processors still have a long way to go before they can claim to be anywhere near the level where a real writer requiring real writing tools would expect them to be. Here are a few examples. When editing a text, I often decide that I want to put a […]

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LATEXT: « Machines » et « Rêver sans verbe »

Monday, June 23rd, 2003 • 12:15 am

Les deux textes suivants ont été ajoutés au recueil Sans être vu: « Machines » « Rêver sans verbe »

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Thursday, May 29th, 2003 • 8:27 pm

I don’t usually read James Adams’ weekly column “Weekend Diary” in Saturday’s Globe and Mail. As the column title indicates, there is very little of substance in it. But today I came across this: However, because Heidi [Fleiss] has a criminal record — she spent 1997-2000 in a California prison for money laundering and tax […]

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LATEXT: ‘Wave of Destruction’

Monday, April 7th, 2003 • 1:05 am

LATEXT has been updated with the addition of the following text: “Wave of Destruction” (with picture)

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LATEXT: ‘Perspective’

Sunday, March 30th, 2003 • 12:31 am

LATEXT has been updated with the addition of the following text: “Perspective” (with picture)

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No perceptible slowdown

Tuesday, March 25th, 2003 • 5:18 pm

No pills in almost two months. Then two pills in the space of three little days. Definitely the nastiest “flare” in a long, long time… Why? Where does it come from? Where does it go? What causes it? What causes it to subside? I just don’t know. Springtime is here. Temperatures are milder. (Cat) love […]

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