Hardware Musings: Why a G5 Quad is not too fast for me
Monday, January 30th, 2006 • 5:32 pmWhy I need four processor cores at 2.5 GHz each for word processing.
Why I need four processor cores at 2.5 GHz each for word processing.
Rare (?) video problem solved.
A bug with rotated pictures and e-mail sharing.
A cosmetic problem with the new iPhoto 6 application window.
GarageBand 3 is actually worse than GarageBand 2.
A major bug in Pages remains.
Only Microsoft is able to screw up even the most basic stuff in Mac OS X.
More Mac OS X flakiness in the Preview application.
Strange recommendation in Apple Style Guide.
Very sloppy visuals in iTunes Dashboard widget.
Are record companies finally starting to see the economic benefits of the “long tail?”
Not fully supported, but seems to work with symbolic links.
A bad bug in multithreaded Mail 2.0 which causes messages to disappear altogether, with no chance of recovery!
Problems with certain italics font at a specific font size in Mac OS X.
Don’t wait for Apple to improve their software. It’ll take years.