Articles posted in August, 2004

Marc Hedlund and Rick Schaut on Word

Tuesday, August 31st, 2004 • 6:08 am

O’Reilly contributor Marc Hedlund and MacBU developer Rick Schaut have a dialogue of sorts in their respective blogs. It’s mildly interesting, but, like most discussions of this kind, it doesn’t really help, because it doesn’t deal with specifics. With Word, the devil is in the details. The blog you are reading here contains many entries […]

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AirPort signal dropouts in Panther: Interesting report at

Tuesday, August 31st, 2004 • 5:05 am

Yesterday’s batch of reports at contains an interesting one about apparent AirPort signal dropouts in Panther. Regular Betalogue readers know that I have been experiencing such dropouts on both my machines (a desktop G4 and a PowerBook G4) and that this has led me to switch to a wired Ethernet connection for my desktop […]

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BBEdit 8: Bare Bones Software still pontificating about application enhancers

Tuesday, August 31st, 2004 • 4:49 am

I purchased my BBEdit 8 upgrade earlier this morning and installed it right away. I haven’t had time to explore the new features yet. But I have already experienced my first application crash, which was quickly followed by the appearance of an alert telling me that I had not entered a serial number and that […]

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EPL 2005: Day 3 (Manchester United 0 – Everton 0)

Tuesday, August 31st, 2004 • 1:32 am

This was a game in hand for Manchester United, who were playing a Champions’ League qualifier when other EPL teams were playing their Day 3 games. Both Everton and Manchester had played on Saturday, so presumably there were just as many tired legs on one side as there were on the other. Watching the game’s […]

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Word 2004 Tip: Paste and go back to beginning of pasted text

Tuesday, August 31st, 2004 • 1:11 am

A while ago, I wrote about the need to invent a “paste and select” command in Word, which would automatically select the range of text that has just been inserted in a Word document through a “Paste” command. (In Word, when you paste a range of text, Word inserts the text and then places the […]

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Word 2004: Paste Without Formatting also removes non-breaking spaces

Monday, August 30th, 2004 • 11:39 pm

A while ago, I wrote a tip about how you can add a shortcut to Word 2004 for a “Paste Without Formatting” command, which strips the contents of the Clipboard from unwanted character style formatting (bold, color, font size, etc.) before pasting it into your Word document. I use this shortcut all the time, either […]

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Nathan Torkington on TiVo and the Mac

Monday, August 30th, 2004 • 4:18 am

O’Reilly writer Nathan Torkington talks about his rather dreadful experience trying to burn DVDs of his TiVo PVR recordings with Mac OS X. While TiVo is not available in Canada and I have to use my satellite TV provider‘s own PVR unit, which doesn’t let me transfer its recordings to my computer (as far as […]

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Word 2004: Still far too easy to hide a window’s title bar between Word’s toolbars

Monday, August 30th, 2004 • 12:28 am

A while ago, I wrote about the problem with windows and toolbars in Word X. I explained that it was far too easy to drag a Word document window by its title bar and drop it behind Word’s toolbars, thereby making the window’s title bar effectively inaccessible. I am afraid I have to report that […]

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EPL 2005: Day 4 (Norwich 1 – Arsenal 4)

Sunday, August 29th, 2004 • 7:25 am

Another day, another victory for Arsenal and for Chelsea… It’s starting to look more and more like a race between those two! Which team will be the first to drop points? It’s rather hard to predict at this point, but Arsenal is certainly providing better entertainment: 16 goals in 4 games! In the continuing absence […]

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Interview with Prince in Rocky Mountain News

Wednesday, August 25th, 2004 • 11:50 pm

There are tons of interviews with Prince these days in the US media, given that he’s on a major tour and everything. But the Rocky Mountain News article published on August 21, 2004 and available here is particularly good. Recommended reading for anyone who cares about music!

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Word 2004: Accented character in file name causes macro command to fail

Wednesday, August 25th, 2004 • 4:42 am

This is exactly the kind of stuff that’s so infuriating about Microsoft. They finally introduce support for a long-awaited feature, such as long file names in Office 2004 — and in the process they manage to introduce new bugs that break the stuff that was working fine until now. For many years now, I have […]

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Panther freezes: still in the dark

Tuesday, August 24th, 2004 • 3:23 am

Here’s the latest chapter in my on-going saga with Panther freezes. Since my tests pretty much eliminated the suspicion of a defective RAM module, I tried the next thing on the list, which was to switch to wired Ethernet access to my Local Area Network instead of AirPort-based access about a week ago. Around the […]

More » RSS feed links redirected to home page

Tuesday, August 24th, 2004 • 2:58 am

I recently subscribed to’s RSS feed instead of visiting the web page. There’s something wrong with that feed, though. When I double-click on an article in NetNewsWire to read it in Safari, I get redirected to the site’s home page. It looks like it’s a problem with the article URLs. To give an example, […]

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Gene Weingarten (Washington Post): ‘Fear Itself – Learning to live in the age of terrorism’

Tuesday, August 24th, 2004 • 2:49 am

There are tons of articles written about terrorism these days, but I find that this article by Gene Weingarten published in the August 22 issue of the Washington Post is particularly good. I don’t really like the title (possibly chosen by editors and not by the author himself), which is rather oxymoronic: If the main […]

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Mac OS X Tip: Using the ‘Quit Finder’ command to save currently open Finder windows

Monday, August 23rd, 2004 • 10:46 pm

There are a number of software tools out there (including the freeware TinkerTool) that let you add a “Quit Finder” command at the bottom of the Finder’s application menu, which, unlike other applications, doesn’t have such a command by default. You might wonder how this is useful. After all, in the early days of Mac […]

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