Gene Weingarten (Washington Post): ‘Fear Itself – Learning to live in the age of terrorism’
Posted by Pierre Igot in: SocietyAugust 24th, 2004 • 2:49 am
There are tons of articles written about terrorism these days, but I find that this article by Gene Weingarten published in the August 22 issue of the Washington Post is particularly good.
I don’t really like the title (possibly chosen by editors and not by the author himself), which is rather oxymoronic: If the main issue is “fear itself“, then what makes this particular age the “age of terrorism“. If anything, terrorism is on the decline, as Doug Saunders demonstrates in his column in last Saturday’s Globe and Mail entitled “If we won the war on terror, would anyone tell us?”.
The main issue is indeed fear itself, and Gene Weingarten illustrates this quite brilliantly in the article itself. Here’s hoping that this kind of article can have an impact on next November’s election in the US.
(Interestingly, in order to find Doug Saunders’ column published on August 21, I had to use Google, because the Globe And Mail‘s own search engine was unable to find anything by this columnist in its own database. How embarrassing — and how remarkable it is that things get indexed in Google so quickly.)