Articles posted in April, 2009

Shrinking and Expanding Selections in Mac OS X (continued)

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009 • 3:47 pm

Since my original post on this topic has been Daring-Fireballed, has generated a fair amount of feedback, and has been followed by another post on Daring Fireball, I thought I should clarify a few things. First of all, I want to stress that my initial post raised two clearly separate issues. One is the logic […]

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Grand Robert et Grand Robert & Collins : liens hypertexte et sélection de mots

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009 • 12:13 pm

En tant que traducteur professionnel, j’utilise évidemment beaucoup les dictionnaires. Les dictionnaires Le Robert sont pour moi des outils indispensables. Pendant longtemps, je me suis contenté des versions imprimées, en particulier parce que les versions électroniques soit n’étaient pas disponibles pour le Mac (dans le cas du Grand Robert) soit proposaient une interface d’une bien […]

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Shrinking and expanding selections in Mac OS X

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009 • 6:38 pm

Nearly three years ago, Daring Fireball’s John Gruber wrote an excellent article about anchored and unanchored selection in Mac OS X, titled “Highly Selective.” (For definitions of anchored and unanchored selection, please refer to his article.) Sadly, three years later, things are still a total mess in Mac OS X, even when one keeps the […]

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Jean-Louis Murat, « Yes Sir » (Nice, 2009-04-11)

Thursday, April 16th, 2009 • 11:06 am

Jean-Louis Murat semble s’être quelque peu réconcilié avec le Net ces derniers temps, avec une fine pluie d’inédits et de morceaux live qui refont surface sur son site et sur sa page MySpace. Malheureusement pour les puristes, les morceaux des derniers mois, disponibles au format MP3 (et facilement téléchargeables) sur le site, ont été […]

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Pages ’09: Find whole words excludes whole word phrases

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009 • 2:54 pm

Even though it is now a fairly mature application (version 4.0.1), Apple’s Pages still suffers from a sometimes rather shocking lack of polish. One of the main culprits in that department is the application’s Find/Replace feature. I have had the opportunity to discuss various shortcomings of that feature over the years: “Pages 1.0.x: ‘Replace All’ ignores […]

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Numbers ’09: Fixes data entry problem with French percentages

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009 • 4:04 pm

In this blog, I spend most of my time bitching about things that are broken or don’t work properly. So it’s always with great pleasure when I am able to report on something that has been fixed and is now working properly. When the first version of Apple’s Numbers came out a couple of years […]

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Pages ’09: Fails to revert to default printer after using other printer for document

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009 • 9:48 am

Here is a bug that I wouldn’t have discovered by myself, because I only use one printer, but a reader pointed it out to me and I was able to reproduce it on my machine by simply adding a second printer in System Preferences, under “Print & Fax,” for testing purposes. Make sure you have […]

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Pages ’09: Disappearing cursor when using line break

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009 • 9:40 am

Pages ’09 introduces a new bug that did not exist in previous versions of the application. If you are at the very end of a document in Pages ’09 and you try to insert a line break with shift-Return, more often than not, the blinking cursor will simply disappear altogether. The line break is inserted properly and […]

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