Articles posted on August 23rd, 2004

Mac OS X Tip: Using the ‘Quit Finder’ command to save currently open Finder windows

Monday, August 23rd, 2004 • 10:46 pm

There are a number of software tools out there (including the freeware TinkerTool) that let you add a “Quit Finder” command at the bottom of the Finder’s application menu, which, unlike other applications, doesn’t have such a command by default. You might wonder how this is useful. After all, in the early days of Mac […]

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Word 2004: Mystery window still there

Monday, August 23rd, 2004 • 12:45 am

A long time ago, I reported about this mysterious blank window that would show up sometimes in Word X for no apparent reason and cause rather strange behaviour. Well, you probably won’t be surprised to hear that this problem is still there in Word 2004. Here’s the proof: What the hell is it? I have […]

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Word 2004: Doesn’t refresh the scroll bar when ‘Find’ dialog causes document to scroll

Monday, August 23rd, 2004 • 12:30 am

In most applications with a “Find” dialog box, you can keep the dialog open in the foreground and click repeatedly on the “Find” button to jump from one found occurrence to the next in the document in which the search is taking place, and the application will then refresh the contents of the document window […]

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