Articles posted on September 24th, 2003

Robert Kaiser (Washington Post) answers questions about Bush’s latest address to the UN

Wednesday, September 24th, 2003 • 10:29 pm

This “Live Online” transcript on the Washington Post web site in which Associated Editor Robert Kaiser answers questions from readers is an interesting read. It shows that at least some Americans have a fairly open-minded and balanced view of the whole US/Iraq/UN situation. The question it doesn’t address, of course, is how representative this is […]

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van Nistelrooy’s dark side

Wednesday, September 24th, 2003 • 9:23 pm

Pete Gill at adds to the debate following the incidents at Old Trafford on Sunday. In particular, he echoes the comments in the Times on Monday about van Nistelrooy’s “unpleasant, dark side to his game”: From the sight of him punching Freddie Ljungberg in May 2002, to his use of the arm in the […]

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Mac OS X 10.2.8 pulled

Wednesday, September 24th, 2003 • 3:16 pm

Apple appears to have pulled the recently released Mac OS X 10.2.8 UPDATE from its servers. It no longer appears in Software Update, and the web page for both the regular and the combo updaters states that the UPDATE is “temporarily unavailable“. You’d think that, in this day and age, Apple would be more forthcoming […]

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Key phrase dropped from UK Iraq dossier

Wednesday, September 24th, 2003 • 12:58 am

It’s been interesting to follow the developments in the British inquiry into the suicide of Iraq weapons expert David Kelly. The whole issue is about whether Tony Blair’s administration did indeed “sex up” the dossier to make Iraq look more threatening than it actually was. I think it is pretty safe to say that most […]

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“Coupling” on US TV

Wednesday, September 24th, 2003 • 12:46 am

Apparently, a couple of TV stations in the US have decided to drop the new US version of the hit BBC2 sitcom Coupling. The reason? The show’s racy sexual content “pushes the envelope well beyond the boundaries of our community’s standards”. I’ve talked about this SHOW before and about the fact that the US version […]

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