Articles posted on September 12th, 2003

Atom Egoyan, The Sweet Hereafter (1997)

Friday, September 12th, 2003 • 11:44 pm

Intriguing movie by Canadian filmmaker Atom Egoyan about a horrific school bus accident and the aftermath in a small Canadian town. The actors are well directed, and the overall effect is harrowing. The back-and-forth movement (before and after the accident) is well executed. Egoyan builds likeable or intriguing characters with little touches, and it’s hard […]

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Gruber on Google’s AdSense HTML code

Friday, September 12th, 2003 • 5:29 pm

John Gruber shares his experience with using Google’s AdSense program and more specifically with the HTML code provided by Google. He notes that: It’s rather incongruous to see a company as clever as Google writing such embarrassingly bad markup (although not necessarily surprising, since their markup for is similarly utterly non-standards-compliant). I couldn’t agree […]

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Typing URLs and email addresses

Friday, September 12th, 2003 • 4:58 pm

Software makers have come up with all kinds of tools to try and make using web URLs (typing them, copying them, exchanging them, storing them, etc.) easier for the end user. I’ve already described how I use drag-and-drop and a Dock folder menu to manage my bookmarks in the Finder (rather than using a given […]

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Baghdad Burning

Friday, September 12th, 2003 • 4:41 pm

I am afraid I’m finding “Baghdad Burning“, the blog of an “girl from Iraq”, pretty much required reading these days, if only as a way to counterbalance our inevitably continuous exposure to the US administration’s inanities. Of particular interest: “Friends, Americans, Countrymen…“. And this: “Under the Palm Leaves“. And all the rest… And for a […]

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