Panther: More problems with iDisk performance
Posted by Pierre Igot in: MacintoshDecember 4th, 2003 • 11:00 am
Since I did a clean install of Panther, I am back to square one when it comes to trying iDisk under the new version of Mac OS X. (I am afraid I didn’t have time to explore the issue of whether you can “save” your local copy of iDisk before doing a system install and restore it from the copy without having to re-download everything from Apple’s servers. And since it’s not exactly straightforward in the iDisk interface…)
Before trying anything, I just needed to upload a 1.3 MB MP3 file to my iDisk quickly. So I mounted the iDisk on my machine, and dragged the MP3 file to a folder. After a few (excrutiating) seconds of nothingness, I finally got the “Copy” window with the progress bar. But then — guess what? The progress bar went from 0 to 100% in about 5 seconds, and then I got this:
for about 10 minutes! In other words, the interface tells me that the file transfer was almost instantaneous (over my pokey modem connection!) but that the system just needed 10 minutes to “close” the file. Ahem.
When I get such useless progress bar behaviour in Word or Excel, I tend to ridicule Microsoft for it… I guess Apple deserves a dose of it too.
February 3rd, 2004 at Feb 03, 04 | 1:36 am
Me too. I’m running Panther on a brand-new iBook, using a fast cable connection. I get exactly the same thing. I’m going to call Apple about it this afternoon.