Articles posted in October, 2003

John Gruber interviews Michael Tsai

Friday, October 3rd, 2003 • 4:40 pm

This is already a bit old, but I’ve just had the chance to read it… John Gruber interviews Michael Tsai, the creator of SpamSieve and other Macintosh software titles. It’s a very interesting interview that covers a number of topics, including spam (and how SpamSieve works), AppleScript, independent software developers, and more.

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Ingmar Bergman, Cris et chuchotements (1972)

Thursday, October 2nd, 2003 • 11:21 pm

Je ne connais pas beaucoup de films d’Ingmar Bergman. J’en ai vu quelques-uns à la télévision (dont Persona), mais la plupart il y a assez longtemps et il y en a beaucoup d’autres que je n’ai jamais vus. Cris et chuchotements me laisse une impression de bizarrerie et de maladresse, mais avec un certain degré […]

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Turning off auto-refreshing web pages

Thursday, October 2nd, 2003 • 9:44 pm

There’s little that I find more annoying on the web sites that I read than those pages that have some kind of automatic refresh setting that forces my browser to automatically reload them at regular intervals. Either the interval is too short for me and it interrupts me in the middle of reading the page, […]

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New public beta of Default Folder X

Thursday, October 2nd, 2003 • 8:56 pm

The mark of truly great software is that it keeps improving, and that many improvements are brought to registered users free of charge through downloadable updates. St. Clair Software’s Default Folder X is one of those products. It is one of these software enhancements that I really could not do without. And it keeps getting […]

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iTunes 4: “Hidden” features

Thursday, October 2nd, 2003 • 4:54 pm

I’ve just accidentally discovered something that I had been complaining about for weeks… I wanted to use iTunes for burning audio CDs, but whenever I was compiling a playlist, if the duration of the playlist was more than 60 minutes, iTunes would display the value of the duration as something like “1,2 hours”. It was […]

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Abnormal CPU usage in Mac OS X: Here we go again

Wednesday, October 1st, 2003 • 11:57 pm

Here we go again… My machine is feeling sluggish all of a sudden. I look at the MenuMeters indicators, and they say that both CPUs are saturated (100%). Yet I look at the “top” list in Terminal, and, apart from top itself, the top CPU-using process is Photoshop with… 4.5 % on average. The line […]

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Word X: Selecting in tables

Wednesday, October 1st, 2003 • 11:22 pm

There are days when I hate Word X with a passion. It usually involves documents that I’ve received from someone else and that I have to edit. Tables are often used in Word for page layout purposes, because Word’s other page layout tools are not sufficient. But then what Microsoft doesn’t realize is that, when […]

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Díäcrítícäl Späm

Wednesday, October 1st, 2003 • 4:20 pm

Looks like the spammers have come up with a new trick… My mailboxes are being flooded these days with messages with subject lines such as “Nümbër 1 Formulä for Men” or “Men, Nö Síde ëffects”. I suppose that they are hoping that the spam filters will believe that “Síde ëffects” is not the same as […]

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