Friedman on where we are going
Posted by Pierre Igot in: SocietyJune 30th, 2003 • 8:46 pm
Interesting column by Thomas Friedman on the evolution of the wired (and increasingly wireless) world and its impact on world-wide relations and, more specifically, on relations between the US and everyone else:
“Is Google God?” by Thomas L. Friedman, The New York Times [free registration required]
None of this means we, America, just have to do what the world wants, but we do have to take it seriously, and we do have to be good listeners. We, America, “have to work even harder to build bridges,” argues Mr. Wright, because info-tech, left to its own devices, will make it so much easier for small groups to build their own little island kingdoms. And their island kingdoms, which may not seem important or potent now, will be able to touch us more, not less.