Articles posted on June 3rd, 2003

Safari: Insufficient shortcuts

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2003 • 10:58 pm

Since there are shortcuts for cycling through all existing tabs in a single Safari window (cmd-shift-left and cmd-shift-right), I don’t see why there aren’t shortcuts for cycling through all existing windows. I realize that cmd-left and cmd-right are already used for the Back and Forward commands. Maybe ctrl-left and ctrl-right? We need something.

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Word X: Word selection ugliness in tables

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2003 • 10:19 pm

This is a problem with word selection that I encounter regularly and is best described with this short QuickTime movie [163 KB]: Word selection is what happens when you double-click on a word to select it. After the double-click, as long as you hold your mouse button down, if you move your cursor to extend […]

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Mac OS X’s Finder: Another problem in List View

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2003 • 6:27 pm

This one is another one in the list of small things that Apple so far has inexplicably failed to fix in Mac OS X. If you have a Finder window in List view mode in Mac OS X, and you click on the name of a file or folder in the list, the Finder selects […]

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Dan Gillmor on the FCC

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2003 • 6:07 pm

You don’t hear much about media consolidation in the mainstream media conglomerates, maybe because it’s not a very sexy subject, but mostly because it is definitely not in their interest to cover an issue where they themselves have so much at stake. This makes Dan Gillmor’s recent column on the subject all the more required […]

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John Gruber on disabled Internet sharing in iTunes 4.0.1

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2003 • 5:47 pm

Once again, John Gruber tells it like it really is in an item on Apple’s recent decision to disable the Internet sharing capabilities of iTunes 4 in the 4.0.1 update. (You can still share your tunes on your local network.) The reaction of someone like Cory Doctorow was utterly puerile. Apple had absolutely no choice […]

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Tuesday, June 3rd, 2003 • 5:23 pm

If you ever wondered where the word spam used to describe unsolicited bulk e-mail comes from, Tom Zeller tells you the story in a recent New York Times column: “Spamology ” by Tom Zeller, The New York Times [free registration required] At a nearby table, a GROUP of Vikings begin singing, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, […]

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