GarageBand 2: Create/Open window cancels log out/restart

Posted by Pierre Igot in: GarageBand
August 3rd, 2005 • 11:35 am

This is another example of GarageBand 2’s lack of compliance with Apple’s own standards for Mac OS X applications.

I’ve already mentioned the multiple problems with GarageBand 2’s interface when no project window is open and GarageBand has instead this weird proprietary “in-between” window with the two giant “Create” and “Open” buttons.

First there was the problem with the disabled “Open Recent” menu. Apple fixed that particular problem in GarageBand 2.0.2.

Then there was the problem with the fact that other application-wide menu commands are disabled even though they shouldn’t be (because they are still applicable when no project window is open.) Apple still hasn’t fixed that problem.

And now there is another one. If no project window is open in GarageBand 2 (i.e. GarageBand 2 is displaying this “in-between” window) and you go to your Apple menu and select “Log Out…” or “Restart…“, Mac OS X starts quitting your applications, but then when it tries to quit GarageBand 2 it fails and instead displays an alert saying that “The application GarageBand canceled logout” (or restart)! And the logout or restart process is aborted.

This is pretty bad, especially considering that GarageBand is one of Apple’s own applications. When you add that to the application-wide menu items that are inexplicably disabled, that makes for a pretty poor level of compliance with Apple’s own standards for application UI.

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