FileMaker 7v2 updater: Doesn’t fix font smoothing problem
Posted by Pierre Igot in: MacintoshJune 2nd, 2004 • 11:23 pm
I read about the release of the 7v2 updater for FileMaker Pro 7 and FileMaker Developer 7 yesterday morning. I was particularly encouraged by the short blurb next to the link that said “Includes changes to font smoothing, field validation, merge fields, import and more.”
You might remember that I reported on a pretty significant problem with FileMaker 7’s font smoothing in pop-up lists. For a second, there, I almost thought that FileMaker had noticed the problem too and already fixed it… (I did send a bug report on this a few weeks ago, but I seriously doubt that FileMaker is that responsive.)
OK, for a very long second, I admit it. The updater is a bulky 23 MB download and it took a while to download on my pokey modem connection. Of these 23 MB, a full 1 MB is taken up by multiple copies of “Read Me” PDF files in 8 different languages… And contrary to what the layout of the web page for the updaters seems to indicate, the updater for FileMaker Pro 7 and the updater for FileMaker Developer 7 are one and the same — so more bulk for those who only need one and not the other. Thanks, FileMaker!
Anyway, I downloaded the updater and installed it and… much to my disappointment, I saw that the font smoothing problem in pop-up list is not fixed at all. I have no idea what change(s) they have made to font smoothing, but the most obvious one is not there. Damn.