iTunes 4.1: Major flaw with bit rate
Posted by Pierre Igot in: iTunesDecember 5th, 2003 • 8:42 am
This is a really bad one… If you go to iTunes’ Preferences and define a custom setting for importing songs, and if you fiddle with mono vs. stereo, iTunes gets thoroughly confused about the bit rate. If you specify a bit rate of 96 kbps in mono, for example, iTunes actually translates these settings into mono at a bit rate of 48 kbps!
In order to have a mono file at 96 kbps, you actually have to set the bit rate to 192 kbps! Look at this picture:
The setting in the “MP3 Encoder” window is 192 kbps, but the settings as they read in the main “Importing” window include a bit rate of 96 kbps!
Of course, it does say “Stereo Bitrate” — but it’s hardly an intuitive way of presenting the info.