Panther’s Mail: Weird looking mailbox icon

Posted by Pierre Igot in: Macintosh
December 3rd, 2003 • 1:22 am

Today, while browsing my mailboxes in Mail, I noticed the following:

weird mailbox icon

Note the different-looking mailbox icon for the mailbox called “Technical Support”. I have no idea where this comes from. I wish we could apply label colours to mailbox icons in Mail, but as far as I know, it’s not possible.

6 Responses to “Panther’s Mail: Weird looking mailbox icon”

  1. Jonathan Crowe says:

    It seems to signify mailbox folders, at least on my copy of Mail. Maybe it’s because the white ones have nothing but mailboxes inside, and the blue ones are mailboxes and folders?

  2. Pierre Igot says:

    Mmm, it was probably a glitch of some kind. It turns out that the mailbox in question (the white one) had an expansion widget on the left-hand side, but didn’t contain any sub-folders. So methinks it was a buggy one.

    In any case, it’s now gone :).

  3. Will says:

    I don’t think it’s necessarily a bug.

    I have an IMAP and a POP mail account. In the IMAP account I can ONLY (in create folders at the top level of the mailbox. However, at some stage I was able to make subfolders (in the web interface which no longer exists). But a folder could contain exclusively EITHER folders OR emails.

    So my folder with subfolders cannot contain emails, so it is white. Other folders can hold emails, so they are blue.

    Mail doesn’t seem to me able to create the folder-containing folders, which is unfortunate, but it at least recognises them. In Jaguar Mail, the icon was blue, but the behaviour was the same.

  4. ozean says:

    Same here – I have one white folder in the sidebar, all the others are blue. The white folder is the only one which only contains other folders, i.e. no mails are shown when clicking on it. To me it seems top be a neat and logical feature.

  5. Pierre Igot says:

    I have several mailbox folders that don’t contain any mail messages themselves, only mailbox subfolders. And I don’t use any IMAP accounts. I think it was a glitch :).

  6. Pierre Igot says:

    Mystery solved! See Weird mailbox icon mystery solved

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