Panther: ssssLick
Posted by Pierre Igot in: MacintoshNovember 4th, 2003 • 6:39 am
I know I am late to the party. But I’ve just installed Panther, and all I can say right now is… Mac OS X 10.3 puts the “lick” in slick! I’d never really bought into the “lickable interface” rhetoric, but I might have to revise my position.
The upgrading process itself was very smooth. (I did an “Archive and Install”, just in case.) I had to reinstall a few things, such as Detour and PhoneValet, but on the whole, things are running just fine. I’m sure I’ll find all kinds of smaller things that don’t work quite right. This will be for later posts.
The only annoying thing that I am already noticing is the return of AirPort menu fickleness. I use my AirPort Base Station’s internal modem to connect to my dial-up ISP, and then share the connection between my G4 and our PowerBook G4. The AirPort menu (on the right-hand side of the menu bar) was working fine in Jaguar, showing me the connection status and giving me the option to connect/disconnect.
Not so in Panther. The AirPort menu doesn’t show the status (or only intermittently) and doesn’t let me connect/disconnect. I have to use the (revamped) Internet Connect application instead. Minor pain. It’s frustrating because it used to be a problem in OS X, and Apple had fixed it. Now it looks like the same problem has returned…
More later, of course.