Oh Kagi
Posted by Pierre Igot in: MacintoshOctober 17th, 2003 • 4:18 pm
Went to the Kagi store this morning to purchase my upgrade copy of DragThing 5.
Got to the page for entering personal information. After a reminder of what I am about to purchase and how much it’s going to cost, the form starts with “Shipping address”, with fields for the street address, city, province, etc. I fill out all this.
At the bottom of the form, you choose the payment method (VISA in my case) and then the very last option before the “Checkout” button is “Currency”. By default, it’s US dollars, of course, so I change it to Canadian dollars.
As soon as I change the currency, what does the Kagi web site do? It reloads the entire page, in ORDER to UPDATE the display of the price at the top of the window. And in the process, it promptly clears all the fields with personal information that I had just painstakingly filled out!
In other words, the “Currency” field is the very last option (and most users will get there only after HAVING filled out all the other fields) when it should actually be the first, so that people don’t waste their time filling out a form that they are going to have to fill out again after they’ve changed the currency.
Grr. I like you, Kagi, but you can do better than this.