Radio: Getting on my nerves today

Posted by Pierre Igot in: Blogging
May 8th, 2003 • 10:07 pm

I am quite a bit frustrated with Radio today. I frequently include small pictures in my blog entries and use Radio’s MyPictures tool for it. Normally I just have to transfer the picture I want to upload to a special folder that Radio checks every 5 seconds, and it automatically uploads it to my server, and puts the appropriate HTML code (with the file reference on the server, the width and height, etc.) in the Radio home page so that I just have to copy it and INSERT it in my blog entry.

Today I transferred the picture below (the one with the alert box) and… nothing. The special folder did “swallow” the picture, but Radio never uploaded it. It was transferred to the appropriate location in my blog’s local folder, but it was never transferred to my FTP server, and Radio never did provide the necessary HTML code.

I went to the Radio application and selected “Open Data” in the “MyPictures” submenu in the “Tools” menu. The picture is there in the “MyPicturesData” file, under the “pending” heading. But nothing’s happening. It’s stuck there, and there’s nothing I can do except clear it.

I ended up HAVING to do the whole thing manually, which is a major pain in the you-know-what. What’s the point of using blogging software if it cannot even do the simple stuff reliably? Geez…

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