Eudora and font antialiasing

Posted by Pierre Igot in: Macintosh
April 4th, 2003 • 6:54 pm

Is it me missing the obvious, or does the latest version of Qualcomm’s Eudora still not support Quartz Text Smoothing in Jaguar?

I personally gave up on Eudora a long time ago and switched to Mac OS X’s Mail (which, while imperfect, is already quite usable), but I still keep an eye on its evolution, just in case… I used the program for many years, after all, and there are aspects of it that I miss in Mail.

The fact that it still doesn’t support Quartz Text Smoothing, however, is a clear indication to me that there’s not much hope for the program under Mac OS X. I know that you can activate it through Unsanity’s Silk hack — but you really should not have to do this, and the end result is not exactly satisfactory either (there are quite a few whitish artefacts around the shape of the characters).

I realize that some people might value under-the-hood improvements such as the ones included in the latest Eudora UPDATE more than merely “aesthetic” issues such as font smoothing… But I personally cannot imagine switching back to an application that does not support Quartz Text Smoothing. It is just too easy on the eyes to do without it.

Sad to see Eudora go, slowly but surely…

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