selling ‘copy controlled’ CDs without telling its (online) customers

Posted by Pierre Igot in: Technology
March 5th, 2003 • 5:56 am

Here’s a copy of an email message I sent to earlier today:

Dear Sir or Madam,

On February 26th, I placed an ORDER [#xxxxx] for XX items, including the following:


My ORDER was shipped to me on the same day, and I received it today (March 4th).

To my great surprise, when opening the package, I saw that the item above had a “Copy Controlled” label on it.

There was absolutely NO INDICATION on the product page when I placed the ORDER that this item would be “copy controlled”. I do not agree with such practices and believe that they infringe on my rights to fairly use the products I purchase, in uses that are in full compliance with the law.

And I definitely do not agree on selling me such products without any clear indication of their nature.

I bought this CD under the assumption that it was just a regular CD. In spite of the fact that I am a long-time customer who has purchased A LOT of merchandise from your store, I strongly object to this particular practice and it might lead me to drastically reevaluate my appreciation of the experience and significantly alter my purchasing habits.

I would appreciate some feedback (no canned responses please) on this before I make a final decision regarding my future purchases at your store.


Pierre Igot

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