First kernel panic since hacking 10.8.2
Posted by Pierre Igot in: MacintoshOctober 5th, 2012 • 8:02 am
I really thought my hack provided a temporary fix for the problem with kernel panics introduced by the 10.8.2 update.
Well, I guess I was wrong. Last night, I had another kernel panic. Same symptoms, same contents in the kernel panic log. So replacing the IOGraphicsFamily.kext file with an older version does not entirely fix the problem.
Still, one KP every other week is much better than one every day or even more. But this means one of two things:
Either the KP problem is not new in 10.8.2 and there is simply something in the 10.8.2 that makes it occur much more frequently.
Or the KP problem is due to interactions between multiple new drivers/files in 10.8.2, the IOGraphicsFamily.kext file being just one of them. As far as I can tell, the 10.8.2 update modifies at least four files in the System/Library/Extensions/ folder:
What I didn’t mention when I wrote about my hack was that my first attempt to hack my system, which involved replacing all three “IO” files, resulted in an unbootable system. It’s only when I restored the two other “IO” files and only kept the IOGraphicsFamily.kext file from 10.8.1 that I got a bootable system again, one that worked reliably for me for two weeks before last night’s crash.
I guess I could try experimenting again with replacing either of the other two “IO” files, but I think I can tolerate a KP every other week until Apple finally fixes this problem, which is now a known issue.
October 5th, 2012 at Oct 05, 12 | 9:30 am
[…] Update“. While the information provided on the release’s page make no mention of the kernel panic issue or a possible fix, I have proceeded with the installation of the update and it does indeed […]
August 1st, 2013 at Aug 01, 13 | 9:08 am
[…] Meanwhile, Mac Pro users managed to identify various ways of dealing with the kernel panics. I myself provided a hack that offered temporary relief, at least for some people. But it was not a fix. […]