Address Book: Workaround for defective ‘Go to My Card’ command using Keyboard Maestro
Posted by Pierre Igot in: MacintoshJune 9th, 2010 • 11:47 am
Earlier this year, I wrote about this flaw in Mac OS X’s Address Book where, if you have the results of a search currently on display in the application, the “ ” command fails to work.
Now I would like to share a quick workaround that I designed using Keyboard Maestro.
I created a macro called “Show My Card” for Address Book in Keyboard Maestro and this macro includes the following steps:
- Execute my improved “Find” macro for Address Book, which I described in this post last week and improved after writing this post yesterday.
- Type the Delete keystroke, which deletes the current contents of the search field if it contains anything.
- Select the “ ” menu item in the menu “ ” in Address Book
I assigned the control-Home keyboard shortcut to this command, et voilà. I now have a quick shortcut for the “
” command that fixes the flaw described in my earlier post and makes sure it works even if there is a search currently in progress.It’s much better than having to wait until Apple fixes the problem. And the value of my investment in Keyboard Maestro increases every day!