Pages 3.0: Now supports table borders thinner than 1 pt
Posted by Pierre Igot in: PagesSeptember 19th, 2007 • 2:15 pm
By default, when you insert a new table in a Pages document, its borders are 1 pt thick. That is pretty thick, especially in print.
The previous versions of Pages had a pretty weird behaviour where, if you selected a table and then went to the drawing inspector and chose a stroke thickness of less than 1 pt (like 0.5 pt or 0.25 pt, which were available as options), instead of changing the table borders to a thinner stroke, Pages would actually change the black 1 pt-thick borders to… 1 pt-thick borders in a gradually lighter shade of grey.
As a substitute for borders thinner than 1 pt, this was a pretty insulting behaviour. Apple prides itself on designing intuitive applications that produce professional-quality documents, but this was one particular situation where Apple’s word processor really failed to deliver. There are all kinds of situations that require table borders that are thinner than 1 pt, and even the most basic laser or ink-jet printer is capable of printing perfectly good-looking 0.5 pt or 0.25 pt borders.
I suspect there must have been some technical limitation explaining this very weird engineering choice in early versions of Pages—but I was really disappointed when Pages 2.0 came out and I saw that Apple had not addressed the issue.
Well, I am pleased to report that Pages 3.0 finally does the right thing and lets you use black table borders that are thinner than 1 pt. There is a “
” option in the table inspector, in the pop-up menu for the stroke style, or you can adjust the border thickness number manually.There are still some weird remnants of the old behaviour, though. If you insert a new table (1 pt borders by default), then select the table and change the stroke style to “
,” and then change the stroke style back to the normal stroke, Pages actually changes to a thin stroke in a light grey—leaving the value of the thickness to 0.25 pt. You can go back to the normal black 1 pt thickness by changing the value back to 1 pt.So it looks like “
” is the option to use to get a thin 0.25 pt table border in black, whereas if you use the regular stroke option and change the thickness value to 0.25 pt, you now get a thin grey border. Mmm.