Design Adjustments
Posted by Pierre Igot in: BloggingAugust 8th, 2005 • 10:51 am
If you are reading Betalogue on the web, you might have noticed some design adjustments over the week-end.
For the moment, I’ve decided to stick with the existing design instead of coming up with a brand-new one. There are several reasons for this, including the fact that CSS-based web design takes a significant amount of time.
So I have made a number of adjustments, including font face changes, a smaller header image, some drop shadows, a calendar, an “About” page, a fully operational “Contact the Author” link, etc.
Feel free to comment on this. I am not ruling out a complete redesign later on, but right now I am reasonably satisfied with this design. The only missing feature that I still want to add is a box with a list of recent comments, for people who read Betalogue on the web and are not subscribed to the Comments RSS feed.