Welcome to the new Betalogue!

Posted by Pierre Igot in: Blogging
July 15th, 2005 • 3:14 pm

As previously discussed, I have now completed the move from my old address (www.latext.com/pm/betalogue) to the new one (www.betalogue.com).

There is also a new address for the main RSS feed and an address for the new user comments feed. (You can now also subscribe to individual post feeds if you want to follow the discussion on a particular topic over time.)

Please update your bookmarks!

If you are a registered Betalogue user, your existing registration (user name and password) should work just fine with the new site. (You need to be a registered user in order to be able to post comments. I might change this in the future, but that’s the way it is for now.) Just click on the Login link in the side bar on the right-hand side of the home page. Let me know if you are experiencing any problems.

I will post more information about the move and the new site in a forthcoming entry.

3 Responses to “Welcome to the new Betalogue!”

  1. ssp says:

    Gee, I hate WordPress.

    Well, not the thing itself, as I haven’t even used it myself, but that default template coming with it.

    The pages it makes are too wide and don’t fit into my browser window. It’s 1995 now and I thought people had enough time to understand that their layouts shouldn’t make any assumptions on the size of people’s browser windows or screens…

  2. ssp says:

    Apart from that the new setup seems to deal sensibly with serving images and full text feeds, which couldn’t be said of the old sofware.

  3. Pierre Igot says:

    Hold on, I have just switched. Haven’t had time to customize/revamp the design yet! :) Don’t be so quick to “hate” something… WordPress has a default theme, it’s not perfect, but it’s OK. This theme fits in a Safari window with a width of 770 pixels. It’s not so bad.

    As for the full text feeds, they are part of the WordPress feature set :). (In pMachine, I had to cheat.)

    For the pictures, though, it’s only because I haven’t reimplemented the restrictions in my .htaccess file yet. I still have to find a good compromise on this.

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