Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger): Can’t change number of copies in Print dialog
Posted by Pierre Igot in: MacintoshJune 22nd, 2005 • 6:20 am
If you use Photoshop CS or Photoshop CS2 in Tiger and try to change the number of copies that you want to print of your document in the regular “Print” dialog, you might notice that you cannot. The contents of the “Copies” field are selected by default, and the focus (blue halo) is on the field, but when you try to type another number, nothing happens.
You can tab into another field and then back into the “Copies” field. You can click on it. But you cannot type anything in it.
This affects both Photoshop CS and Photoshop CS2, but neither InDesign nor Illustrator is affected.
I have found one another report of this on the web, at The forum suggests reinstalling the printer’s driver as a fix, but this is not always possible, as some printer drivers — such as HP printer drivers — are included in Tiger and not available as separate downloads from the HP web site (which sadly is scandalous, but true).
I would classify this as a Photoshop-only bug, except that it appears to affect other software titles as well, such as the software for Dymo label writers.
In any case, since the problem only affects Tiger, it clearly is a problem introduced by Apple.
June 22nd, 2005 at Jun 22, 05 | 5:58 pm
I think this is actually a Tiger, Carbon, non-sheet Print dialog, if you have an input method (any input method) currently active bug.
Does this describe what you’re seeing?
And yes, clearly a problem introduced by Apple.
June 22nd, 2005 at Jun 22, 05 | 10:39 pm
You’re correct, this only happens with I am using SCX as the IM.
June 24th, 2005 at Jun 24, 05 | 12:39 pm
Or pretty much any other input method (not all, but many). You should see what happens when Apple’s Korean input method is active…