Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger): Packages and disk images listed as ‘documents’ in Spotlight results
Posted by Pierre Igot in: MacintoshJune 1st, 2005 • 4:33 am
This, to me, is something that doesn’t make much sense from a user’s point of view. When you search for a word or a phrase with Spotlight and the Spotlight results for this search include disk images or software packages (i.e. files ending with “.dmg
” or “.pkg
“), such files are listed in the Spotlight results window under the “Documents” category heading.
I realize that “Documents” is a “catch-all” kind of term. But it’s not the same as “files” — and I don’t see how these packages or disk images can be construed as “documents” by the end user.
Furthermore, if you do a search in the Finder and narrow it down by specify “Documents” as the “Kind” of files you are looking for, “.pkg
” and “.dmg
” files are not included in the results, even if they match all the other criteria!
So, are disk images and software packages documents or not? I think Apple needs to make up its mind.