Smart folders: ‘Save As…’ command exists after all
Posted by Pierre Igot in: MacintoshMay 5th, 2005 • 11:30 pm
Yesterday, I complained about the absence of a “Save As…” command when editing a smart folder’s set of rules.
Well, it turns out that there is such a command. It’s just that it’s, well, a hidden feature. When you are editing a smart folder, hold down the Option key and you’ll see the “Save” button magically change into a “Save As” button.
The problem, of course, is that, if you don’t know it exists, you have no way of finding out. I suppose that, over time, Mac users should develop the habit of holding down the Option key just to see if it uncovers any hidden features. I am afraid I just can’t seem to be able to develop this particular habit.
One of the key aspects of a graphical user interface is redundancy. Most commands are available via both a visual control (button, menu item, etc.) and a keyboard shortcut. This particular command is only available through a combination of a visual control and a keyboard shortcut. Not very Mac-like if you ask me.