Rumour: Canadian iTunes Music Store

Posted by Pierre Igot in: iTunes, Music, Technology
October 15th, 2004 • 6:38 am

According to a rumour mentioned at MyAppleMenu, Apple is readying the Canadian version of the iTunes Music Store.

It’s about time. I know that Canadian people can already purchase stuff from the US iTunes Music Store as long as they have a credit card with an American mailing address, which is apparently fairly common — but it’s not common in this household.

Of course, it’s not like I am impatiently waiting for the first opportunity to splurge on music downloads. Downloads are not all that practical over my pokey modem connection — and I doubt Apple will let me manage my iTunes Music Store downloads through a third-party tool such as Speed Download, which is pretty much indispensable for me. In addition, I am still a CD guy. I don’t like the idea of spending tons of money on compressed music that I then have to back up religiously to make sure I never lose it.

I am actually looking forward to more music becoming available in better-than-CD formats such as DVD-Audio or Super Audio CD! This whole music download business is going in the opposite direction… Unless downloads become significantly cheaper than CDs and include access to all kinds of music not available on CD, I am not about to become a huge iTunes Music Store customer.

But we’ll see… Let’s get the thing up and running first. It’s been a long wait here in Canada.

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