QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback component update for QuickTime 6.5?
Posted by Pierre Igot in: MacintoshMay 17th, 2004 • 12:19 am
I’ve just purchased the MPEG-2 Playback component for QuickTime sold by Apple through the Apple Store.
The version that I downloaded from the store mounts as a disk volume containing two versions, one for QuickTime 6.3 and one for “QuickTime 6.4 and later“. The installer is dated October 17, 2003. The disk image itself is dated December 16, 2003.
When I go to this page, however, it tells me:
A new version of the MPEG-2 Playback Component is required for use with QuickTime 6.5 on Mac OS X. If you purchased the MPEG-2 Playback Component from the Apple Store online or received it with Final Cut Pro 4 or DVD Studio Pro 2, you are eligible to receive the new version for free. Based upon how you received your copy of the MPEG-2 Playback Component, please follow the appropriate directions below to receive the updated software.
I followed the instructions to download this new version, but the “new” version downloaded this way is exactly the same… Still dated October 17, 2003, and still says “For QuickTime 6.4 and later“.
I think there’s something wrong here. If my file dates are correct, QuickTime 6.5 was released in mid-December 2003.
May 22nd, 2004 at May 22, 04 | 1:54 pm
Are you able to view MPEG-2 files in QuickTime Player?
May 22nd, 2004 at May 22, 04 | 10:42 pm
Yes, I am… I suppose it means that it’s working.