Panther’s Mail: Get New Mail in Account X command ignored while checking for new mail
Posted by Pierre Igot in: MacintoshApril 2nd, 2004 • 4:15 am
Here’s a copy of a bug report I sent to Apple today:
Panther’s Mail: Get New Mail in Account X command ignored* STEPS TO REPRODUCE
1. Configure Mail with more than one e-mail account.
2. Select “Get New Mail/In Account A” command.
3. While Mail is in the process of getting the new mail in account A, select “Get New Mail/In Account B” command.* RESULTS
Mail ignores the command in Step 3. Mail continues to get new mail in account A, and then does nothing.* REGRESSION
n/a* NOTES
See system profile attached.
This happens to me quite regularly, because Mail keeps disabling some of my e-mail accounts when it fails to establish a connection with the POP server (typically when I am downloading a file at the same time and there’s not enough bandwidth available). Because the accounts are disabled, the “Get New Mail/In All Accounts” command doesn’t get the new mail in those accounts, so I want to add them manually to the mail-checking command currently in progress by using the “Get New Mail/In Account X” command.
It doesn’t work. I always have to wait until Mail is done with checking for new mail in the active accounts, and then use the “Get New Mail/In Account X” command.