AirPort 3.3.1 Update: Conflicting information from Apple
Posted by Pierre Igot in: MacintoshMarch 3rd, 2004 • 12:25 am
Yesterday I saw a news item on MacMinute about AirPort Software 3.3.1, a recent software update released by Apple. The MacMinute article linked to this page on Apple’s web site, which states quite clearly in the system requirements: “AirPort Extreme-ready computer with internal AirPort Extreme card“.
I have a dual G4 with a regular AirPort card, not an AirPort Extreme card. So it looked as if this update wasn’t for me — which I found quite disappointing, since I’ve been waiting for several months for an AirPort update that would fix my serious problems with the roaming network setup I am trying to use in my home office environment.
Then today I found a link to the actual Knowledge Base article on the update, and that page states in the system requirements:
- AirPort Extreme-ready computer with internal AirPort Extreme card
- Or an AirPort-ready computer with an internal AirPort Card
So, which one is it, Apple? I then went to the “Software Update” control pane and asked it to “check now” for new updates. And the AirPort software update did indeed appear in the list of recommended updates. So I guess this one is for me too.
Updating the AirPort software is a bit of a pain, since it requires a machine restart. I will do it when I can find the time. But oh, how I hope that it will fix the roaming network problem! (Needless to say, there is no mention of such a fix in the description of the update. It just says: ” The AirPort 3.3.1 Update improves the reliability of AirPort connections when changing network locations.” Not exactly clear, is it?)