Backup 2.0.1: To fail or not to fail

Posted by Pierre Igot in: Macintosh
February 22nd, 2004 • 8:38 am

… That is the question.

I’ve discussed my problems with Apple’s Backup application before. Version 2.0.1 fixed things to a certain extent, but I am still getting error messages on a regular basis when my scheduled backup causes two copies of the Backup application to be launched at the same time.

When this happens, the second copy of the Backup application says that it can’t run because Backup is already running (duh), and I have to manually dismiss the dialog box. I am not sure what happens when I am not there, because if I am not in front of my computer at the time of the scheduled backup, whatever happens then doesn’t leave any traces. There’s no dialog box waiting for me when I come back. So maybe the dialog box is automatically dismissed after a few minutes or something.

Still, that makes me feel less than secure about whether the backups are actually taking place or not. So I occasionally launch the application manually to see what it says.

And then today it said that the last backup had failed:

But then I opened the log, as instructed, and the log says that the last backup (on February 22) was successful (as can be seen in the background in the screen capture above)!

When the logging feature itself, which is supposed to let you know when something goes wrong, cannot be trusted, what is one supposed to do?

Ditch the application, I guess. Geez.

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