The Button

Posted by Pierre Igot in: Writing
March 21st, 2003 • 4:44 pm

Can’t read
Can’t sustain a conversation
Can’t give a straight answer
Can’t pronounce “nuclear” properly
Can’t make up his mind
Can’t express any emotions
Can’t even pretend he’s feeling any emotions
Can’t believe he’s evolved from an ape
Can’t hold a drink or two (obviously)
Can’t provide any evidence
Can’t tell the truth
Can’t back down
Can’t hear millions of voices repeating the same word
Can’t convince anyone
Can’t operate a business
Can’t earn a living
Can’t sit down and talk
Can’t rise to the occasion (contrary to what’s been said)
Can’t radiate an ounce of sincerity
Can’t hear dissenting opinions
Can’t walk straight
Can’t understand what the fuss is all about
Can’t understand what hit him
Can’t hide his ignorance
Can’t hide his arrogance
Can’t believe he has been given all these toys to play with
Can’t control his friends
Can’t be criticized
Can’t see the similarities
Can’t refrain from smirking
Can’t hide his puerile excitement
Can’t put together two correct sentences to save his life
Can’t refrain from trying to crack utterly unfunny jokes
Can’t stop repeating himself
Can’t inspire any kind of trust
Can’t establish any kind of credibility
Can’t realize that he’s not up to the task
Can’t tell us what he really wants
Can’t count (the number of dead people)
Can’t see any point in collaborating
Can’t see what’s wrong
Can’t remember what he said the day before
Can’t understand what people are going through
Can’t even picture it
Can’t believe his luck

Can press the button.

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