Spell Catcher X to the rescue

Posted by Pierre Igot in: Macintosh
March 17th, 2003 • 11:56 pm

I constantly type file names (in various applications, in various contexts) that contain the date of the day in reverse format (yyyy-mm-dd), so that they get sorted properly.

For example, my blog entries for today are typed in a BBEdit file named “Betalogue 2003-03-17”.

Now, with Spell Catcher X, I never have to type that date again. I have defined a universal shorthand that works everywhere, in any application and dialog box. I just type “sd”,and, as soon as I hit the space bar, Spell Catcher automatically replaces it with today’s date in the “yyyy-mm-dd” format — and deletes the space character that I’ve just typed (an optional behavior for specific Spell Catcher glossary entries).

Isn’t it brilliant? Talk about a time-saver.

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