Articles posted on November 9th, 2004

Political genius

Tuesday, November 9th, 2004 • 11:54 pm

Direct quote from The Proteus Operation by James P. Hogan (1985): “The root of genius lie in the ability to make decisions, the will to stand by them and act in the face of adversity, and the nerve to see the action through unswervingly to its completion.” Sounds familiar? Guess which character actually utters these […]

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Comment form disabled for now

Tuesday, November 9th, 2004 • 6:12 am

I am afraid I have had to disable the comment form, which means that you won’t be able to submit comments. Apparently, something in my blog has been monopolizing over 80 percent of the processing power of my host’s server, and my host is not happy about it. The host reports that he’s getting a […]

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Blog spam: Those bloody Russians

Tuesday, November 9th, 2004 • 1:57 am

Those bloody subscribers are starting to get on my nerves. Almost every day now, I get new member registrations from people with names such as “khadbz” and e-mail addresses such as Now, I am always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt — but in this case I think it’s pretty […]

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