Adobe: Now that you’ve upgraded, would you like to upgrade?

Posted by Pierre Igot in: Macintosh
May 14th, 2012 • 12:52 pm

Last week I wrote about my experience upgrading my Adobe CS5.5 Master Suite of applications to Adobe CS6. While I didn’t mention this in my original post, I also made sure my newly installed Adobe CS6 Master Suite was properly registered with Adobe under my existing Adobe ID.

And now look at what I got in the mail today:


Yes, it’s a promotional e-mail sent by Adobe to the e-mail address under which my current copy of Adobe CS6 is registered, inviting me to “upgrade now” to Adobe CS6.

For the price we pay to Adobe every year or so for these upgrades, you’d think that they would at least have the decency of filtering out from these promotional e-mail marketing campaigns the e-mail addresses of registered Adobe users who have already upgraded and registered their upgrade with Adobe — especially since these e-mails are obviously targeted to existing users of the previous version in the first place.

But no, it’s obviously much easier to just carpet-bomb and pollute everyone’s mailbox with the same e-mail. It’s always nice to see how a major software corporation really feels about the fact that you’ve just flung several hundred dollars in its general direction: it hasn’t even noticed.

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