Articles posted on February 4th, 2005

Pages: One-click styles vs. manual formatting

Friday, February 4th, 2005 • 6:11 am

Another big positive aspect of Pages as a word processor is the fact that styles are featured so prominently in the user interface. There are still far too many word processor users that never use styles and do all their character and paragraph formatting manually using legacy tools such as the schizophrenic Formatting Palette and […]

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Pages: Finally a default body style that includes space after

Friday, February 4th, 2005 • 5:51 am

I have started using Pages and will be reporting on various issues as I encounter them. The first thing I want to note is how appreciative I am of the fact that the default “Body” style used by Pages as the default style for body text in a document actually includes a default setting of […]

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