Articles posted on April 29th, 2003

Word X: Deleting nothingness

Tuesday, April 29th, 2003 • 9:31 pm

I keep experiencing an utterly weird behaviour in Word X. When I use my predefined styles for bullet lists, which include a negative left indent, if I am at the very beginning of a line that is formatted in such a style, I frequently have to hit the DELETE key twice to in ORDER to […]

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Fortune on Apple Music Store

Tuesday, April 29th, 2003 • 8:36 pm

There is an onslaught of articles about the new iTunes Music Store on the Fortune web site, including one entitled “Songs in the Key of Steve” [Jobs]. This particular article includes several debatable statements, including the following: U.S. music sales plunged 8.2% last year, largely because songs are being distributed free on the Internet through […]

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Safari: Problem with tabs in background

Tuesday, April 29th, 2003 • 3:21 am

One recurring problem I have with tabs in their current incarnation in Safari: I sometimes accidentally click on a tab’s close button when all I wanted was to click on the tab in ORDER to activate it. The solution would be to prevent the close button from closing if the tab is not in the […]

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Skinny chicks and chubby hubbies

Tuesday, April 29th, 2003 • 1:34 am

I cannot help but notice that in US-made commercials, increasingly the typical male character is a rather chubby young man, while the female character is invariably skinny and much better looking and attractive than her man. This is, unfortunately, rather symptomatic and emblematic of the current trends in North America: overweight adults with a fixation […]

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200,000 songs…

Tuesday, April 29th, 2003 • 1:29 am

200,000 songs doesn’t sound like much… On the other hand, it’s more than enough to last a lifetime. It all depends on your musical tastes! Let’s just hope it’ll grow quickly to include all the music that was ever made and recorded. That’s what the ultimate goal should be. I cannot wait to be able […]

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